SpinZone Laundry Blog


Laundry Facts, Pickup & Delivery, & SpinZone News

June 25, 2021

Laundry Delivery Service by the Bag vs. by the Pound

Think you are saving money doing your Wash & Fold laundry by the bag with a “flat-rate" laundry service? You may be surprised, even if you stuff your bags...

Winner Blog Image

SpinZone News, Pickup & Delivery, & Wash & Fold

May 15, 2021


SpinZone Laundry is the 4-time winner of "Best Laundromat in Austin” award from Austin Chronicle, including the latest in 2021. The success of our laundry service in Austin and Round Rock is due to our customers! We do not take such awards lightly, and we share this latest one, like the others, with our valued patrons who helped make it happen.

SpinZone News

December 21, 2020

National Ugly Sweater Day... third Friday every December

“National Ugly Sweater Day” is celebrated around the world on the third Friday of every December so was celebrated in 2020 on December 18. Considering Ugly Sweaters are important enough to have their own holiday, nobody can really point to their true origins.

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Pickup & Delivery, SpinZone News, & Wash & Fold

May 16, 2020

Pickup and Delivery Laundry Service in Round Rock

SpinZone Laundry is now offering the convenience of Free Contactless Pickup and Delivery of your dirty clothes in the Greater Round Rock Area to our valued customers. With the click of a button, your Laundry Care has never been easier!

SpinZone News & COVID-19

April 30, 2020

SpinZone Laundry Cares about or teammates, customers and communities, during these challenging times.

Helping Others During the COVID-19 Crisis The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on many members of our local communities. In the midst of this crisis, it’s important that we all do our part to help support those in need. While abiding by recommended social distancing guidelines limits some volunteer opportunities, we’ve collected several ideas to help you support others while staying safe.

COVID-19 & SpinZone News

April 20, 2020

To Our Valued Customers during This COVID-19 Pandemic

Since opening in 2004, SpinZone Laundry has always appreciated its role in serving the communities of Central Texas, especially so, during this tough period.

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COVID-19 & SpinZone News

April 20, 2020

Temporary Social Distancing Policy

We want you to stay healthy at SpinZone Laundry during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article outlines our temporary social distancing policy until further notice.